The Life of a Princess...

The story of me, because right now at this point in my life, it is all about me, and I could careless who gives a shit, no one told you to read my blog, if you don't like it, get off my page!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

101 Things you should know about me, but may not want to!

1. I am 28
2. My birthday is October 22nd.
3. I am a Libra born on the Cusp.
4. I had my first child at 19
5. My second at 21
6. My third at 22
7. My fourth at 25
8. and my last and final child at 28
9. My husband is a Comp Geek.
11.He is 31
12.We met on the internet
13.I wouldnt let him see me for two months after we met.
14.His first gift to me was slim jim jerky and a paper bag,(inside joke)
15.Our first date was at the Elephant Bar and then I took him to a Strip Club.
16.Our second date he took me to get a tattoo.
17.Our third he got us a room at a plush hotel, on the top floor with a view of the city, we ate Salmon and watched John Leguizamo do stand up.
18.My hubby is my best friend ever!
19.He is my soulmate.
20.I like the way he makes me laugh.
21.We married February 21st,2003
22.My mother was a little upset because we gave 3 weeks notice to plan a wedding.
23.She thought we were doing it so quick cuz i was pregnant.
24.I was not pregnant.
25.5 days later I found out I was.
26.I never thought it was possible to love someone sooo much until that day.
27.2 days later I miscarried.
28.So we tried for 7 months to have another
29.Docs said I had secondary infertility, I cried hysterically.
30.It hurt to think that I was able to have 4 children with someone else but could not with my husband, I wanted to die.
31.We were getting ready to discuss other options and the doc wanted us to see a specialist.
32.When we got home the doc called to say "You are Pregnant!"
33.I cried, and cried, and hugged my husband, and said "Youre going to be a Daddy!"
34.He was happy, but mad that we couldnt "Keep Trying"
35.The pregnancy went well.
36.We wanted a boy, but got a girl,thats ok shes gorgeous.
37.I am getting my tubes tied in October, Thank God my mother would say!
38.My mom is going to be 48 in Sept, she looks 30!
39.I look older then my mom :(
40.My sister is gorgeous, makes me sick, but not envious, I just wish I had her BOOBS!
41.Im a B she's a DD argh!
42.My oldest son is 9 and is Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, hes also nosey!
43.My oldest Daughter is a Priss and she will tell you so.
44.My middle son is mellow, very loving cuddly type, he loves to give hugs.
45.My other daughter is a HAM she loves the camera and attention, my aunt says she has the spirit of a lost soul in her.
46.I named her after my Grandma, Grandma passed right before she was born and I wanted her to have something of her.
47.My last baby was born this year she looks just like daddy and has BLUE eyes.
48.I have Brown, Dad has Green.
49.She's the Milk Man's Kid.
50.I tell my husband that while he is at work I have a lover, and I tell him to call before he comes home so I can make sure he's gone. LOL
51.He says my baby looks like him. hehehe
52.I have a step daughter whose 4 and lives in AZ.
53.BTW my husband was married before me.
54.He's my first and last husband.
55.We will never divorce or I will kill him.
56.My mother in law has a "partner" if you know what I mean.
57.I am not homophobic,nor do I discriminate.
58.My cousin can put his makeup on better than me.
59.I am or once was a drug addict, however that goes.
60.I hate drugs,they are gross.
61.I think drug addicts need help,but make up excuses not to get it.
62.I lost my children because of it.
63.I fought my ass off to get them back, and I did.
64.I have been clean for 7 years and two months.
65.I am a better person because of it.
66.My family never discusses my problem, but I am sure they are proud of me for turning my life around.
67.My other Grandma says she admires my strength, because of all I have overcome to keep my family together.
68.I was in an abusive relationship for 5 years, and i walked away from it.
69.I left because I met my husband who helped me realize I deserved better.
70.I thought about killing my ex in his sleep, he is an addict too, he still uses.
71.I thought about buying him some dope and lacing it with Arsenic, so when he snorted it he would die, but i didnt,i wish i did!
72.I hate him for what he did to me.
73.He turned me into someone i never wanted to be.
74.A statistic, but i let him.
75.I am now a strong woman, with goals and a whole new perspective about life.
76.My husband jokes and says he thinks I have battered wives syndrom because of the ex.
77.I think he might be right.
78.My husband makes it known he loves me, he tells me so everyday.
79.I am spoiled, i dont really see how, but the hubby and mom both agree, so i guess its true.
80.I am now the woman I wanted to be, but didnt feel I was.
81.I love myself for all i have accomplished even if I dont have alot of money or materialistic things to show for it.
82.All my furniture was left to me when my grandma passed, it was all handmade in Thailand, my grandpa had it made for her when he was stationed there.
83.When she died I wanted to go with her, she meant the world to me.
84.My life was never the same after she left.
85.She loved me more than anything in the world next to Bingo!
86.She won $25,000 playing Bingo in one night.
87.She used to rub my pregnant belly for goodluck, guess it worked!
88.My Grandpa died when I was eight, I was his baby, He had cancer.
89.My Family is from the Philippines, except my Grandpa he was from Arkansas.
90.I was born here, my real dad is Mexican, he died last October, he was in a car accident and in recovery for almost a year he passed away after 10 months in the hospital from complications.
91.I only knew him for 7 years, I found him by accident.
92.Lets see ummm. I like food, who doesnt, especially comfort foods.
93.I like to drink but keep it to a minimum, I dont like getting shit faced.
94.I love Margarita's and anything fruity
95.I DO NOT like beer its icky and bitter.
96.I love this pizza place here in Sac called Pieces, I hit up downtown and get drunk but park my car in front of the pizza joint, so i could walk to hit up the bars, then i walk to Pieces and eat to sober up...
97.My husband is funny when he's drunk, I can take advantage of him;)
98.My favorite vacation spot would be, Reno, I think, havent been any other place.
99.I saw snow for the first time, on my honeymoon in Tahoe,it was one day long.
100.I am Evil.
101.And last, I am a PRINCESS, But you already knew that!