The Life of a Princess...

The story of me, because right now at this point in my life, it is all about me, and I could careless who gives a shit, no one told you to read my blog, if you don't like it, get off my page!

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Why am i soooo broke!

Today I had to defer a payment on one of my accts. I cant believe how broke we are my child suppport that is never late, is late, and my pregnancy disability check is late too, so I had to grow some balls today and ask my mother for some money, something I have never done, i think I have asked her for five bucks before, anyways, so she says sure, "what, am i hearing you right?" She said yes, so we are ok for now, but damn what the hell, ever since my regular mail man has been gone everything is late! I am guessing something is wrong with the five different carriers we have had all week.

So anyways today is your basic BLAH day, nothing to do but mope around, I should clean something but nah thats ok, dont feel like it. The hubby is passed out and the rugrats are watching The Amanda Show, have you ever watched that crap? They do some sick little skits for kids, it gets pretty irritating after awhile, but hey they seem to enjoy it so I guess its ok.

Well I guess thats it for this post I am drained and so bored I may sleep, see you when I wake up...


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