The Life of a Princess...

The story of me, because right now at this point in my life, it is all about me, and I could careless who gives a shit, no one told you to read my blog, if you don't like it, get off my page!

Friday, August 20, 2004

In Memory of Ruby Pena...

Today was a hard day emotionally, we buried my brothers step-daughter today and it was painful. She was 16 and a Senior in Highschool, She was tragically taken from us by the hands of her boyfriend, Allen Solis he was 19 years old. She apparently was trying to break away from the relationship and this was this result. This story has been all over the news and papers here in Sac and has made a big impact on alot of people. We did not know this but Ruby was pregnant, one month about and so now the state is charging him with double murder charges, all as a result of Bush signing a law stating that the killing of a fetus whether the pregnancy was known or not it's the killing of two people, he is now eligible for the Death Penalty.

Allen apparently was arguing with her in which he became outraged and made a call to his friend stating he was going to stab her and let her bleed to death, Ruby then called my sister in law (her mother) asking if she could pick her up, my SIL showed up there and no one answered, she figured she left and would be back later, well the friend that Allen called, phoned my SIL and told her what he had said, and she hurried over there. When she arrived no one would answer the door so they kicked it in in which they found Ruby wrapped in a blanket, gagged and her throat slit, she was already gone, she bled to death. Allen the bastard that did this fled and turned himself in 4 days later.

He was arraigned Wednesday the 18th and informed of the charges, our family hopes he is prosecuted to the full extent of the law!

Ruby left so many friends and family behind, her funeral was packed, with at least 250 family and friends who will miss her dearly.

So this post is for her, may her soul rest and may she fly with the angels, Ruby you have a special place in Heaven now and will walk beside our Lord, he has prepared a special place for only you, I am sure youre up there with you Daddy now, and together at last, because now he has his baygirl with him forever...

We will miss you Ruby, Rest In Peace.....


At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope he pays wit his life


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